So I sorted out all the tablet weaving kit. I plan on making a belt for Eden. The dress below is hers for when we go re-enacting. It is a lovely soft purple. I dyed it using acid dyes which have a tendency to be quite bright and though some natural dyes can be very bright indeed the purples that they (ie medieval folk) could get were not. So I took great care to keep the mix on the silvery side of lilac which is what you can get if you use elderberries. I missed the elderberry season this year and anyway I am not into natural dying, all the mordanting wool and all the fiddle (and potential errors) that natural dying involves. Acid dyes are far easier.

This wool is a cheery, holly berry red and it suits V very well. I have enough left over to make a dress for tiny Lily but I am going to have to send off for some more wool to make a dress for myself. I am fancying a burnt orange or a moss green if possible. It will look a bit daft if we have three members of the family in the same colour I think.

An honourable mention goes to this machine by the way - it is older than me. Bought in Tanganyika* for thirty shillings over forty years ago and it is still going strong**. The whirr of this machine is one of the sounds of my childhood. Mummy was always creating something with it. She has assured me that it will come to me when she can no longer use it. I am happy to have the occasional loan for now.
Maybe I'll get a pic of V wearing his new tunic tomorrow. This post has taken ages to write and I am off to bed now.
Nos da everyone.
* Tanganyika no longer exists as an independant nation. It has been amalgamated into Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania.
**Which is perhaps more than can be said of Tanganyika
Can't wait to see the final products, it all sounds so divine!
My mom's sewing machine, also a staple of my childhood. Awe. Except she is a master and I can't sew to save my life. Good thing she is hanging onto it :-D
How lovely to be sewing on your mam's machine. I have very strong memories of learning to sew on my mother's old Empisal, and sitting beside her while she made debutante gowns for other people's daughters.
By the time my sister and I were old enough, I think we were so sick of the sight of deb dresses (and knew we couldn't really afford it) we told her not to bother. Don't think she's ever forgiven us. LOL
Have fun with your sewing. It's not nice if it becomes a chore.
He he! Love the comments about the sewing machine! :)
And I agree. Reenactment aside, do the bulk of the sewing on the machine, and do the finishing work by hand. Makes much more sense.
Hooray! You're finally using a sewing machine. I'm glad your poor little fingers are getting a rest. The re-enacting has certainly provided more reasons to make things - another hooray for that!
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