Up early and yawning, Eden opened the curtains this morning, peered out into the darkness and said-
What is
She cannot remember snow, it has been that long but five minutes after Rose woke up they were all squeaking with excitement and wondering if school would shut.

Poor lambs, there isn't even an inch out there, not enough to make a snowball even. But it is very pretty and a dusting is just the right amount for me thank you very much. I am not a fan of the cold but I took these when I got back from the school run.

Yesterday was the start of a new season in the celtic calendar which the Christians kick off with the feast of St Bridget, celebrating the promise of Spring while still in the darkness of winter - the new shoots hidden beneath the snow...

It is also a celebration of a warm hearth and hospitality to travellers out in the cold. I am tucked up inside once more and cosy with my cuppa and chocolate biscuits. but I've got the kettle on, just in case...
Keep warm, where ever you are.
Enjoy your decorative snow icing, and have a lovely warm day indoors!
Sian- We have had so much snow, it's obscene.
Stay warm.
A lovely depiction of that light dusting.
What a treat for the little ones to enjoy - but I'm thinking the plants...not so much.
Snow!?!? Too bad the kiddies didn't get a chance to enjoy it.....I have determined that the next time it snows here, I am calling out sick! I have yet to be out of the office when we are getting a good snow. By the time I get to go home it's nearly melted......
Hi Sian,
That's great that your children can enjoy the snow without it being a burden on you! It felt like a heatwave here today with the temperatures in the 30's! Funny what we can get used to for if it was summer and we had a day in the 30's we'd feel frozen! More snow predicted for tomorrow...just got most of the ice off of our pathways in time to be covered up with snow!
Stay warm!
Oh we try to stay warm but at -23C I'm about to give up and just turn into an icicle to get it over with! AAAAAAH!
So... did the girls taste the snow? :-)
Yes, we had fun. But I am glad it is melting now. Obscene amounts of snow is not my thing and at -23 C I would be willing to go to Hell just for the climate!
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