A sure fire way to combat a mizzly January morning is to curl up in front of the fire and browse the web for inspiration. My wanderings took me to The Cotton Patch and the astonishingly pretty Springwood House. Quilting emporiums and chock full of gorgeousness. Springwood house in particular had me squeaking in excitement as they have squares of computer foil there in a banquet of shimmering glitzyness.
As I have said before, I love the homespun look - checks of spicy browns, cute stripes of sand and berry etc etc and I always think how right they would look in my tiny little miners cottage but somehow the magpie DNA almost always wins and I end up getting the bright and spangly because honestly, it is just what I like best of all. I am a design Jekyll and Hyde...only with glitter.
As I have said before, I love the homespun look - checks of spicy browns, cute stripes of sand and berry etc etc and I always think how right they would look in my tiny little miners cottage but somehow the magpie DNA almost always wins and I end up getting the bright and spangly because honestly, it is just what I like best of all. I am a design Jekyll and Hyde...only with glitter.

So I got these - two charm packs and a fat quarter. As Oscar once said: I can resist everything but temptation. I also bought a quilt book by Kaffe Fasset. If I never attempt even a coaster from this book it will still be worth the price for the photographs alone. What a world that man must inhabit. I wish I could see through his eyes for just ten minutes.
So how about you? What cheers you onwards through a cold January?
Love the fabrics you chose. A woman after my own heart.
Thanks for the award a post or so back. I've had the flu so I haven't been around much.
Sian- If that doesn't cheer you up, what will?
I love everything about Kaffe- and I've met him twice. He's a very attractive and talented man.
get on with it enjoy.
Mmmm... hot butternut squash soup? Big flannel jammies under a blanket... yep, the cold winter does have its good moments.
Colour is one of them :-)
So what will you make with these, Sian?
I love laying by a warm fire, with gardening books, so that I can plan my next assault on the veg patch :) or if I'm feeling really lazy, watching Tales from the Green Valley from under a blanket with my lovely cat beside me :)
Kim x
Hi Sian,
What beautiful colors!
I love taking cat naps with a snuggly cat curled up beside me. I also love to draw and paint the beauty of winter and the winter birds so I can remember the good parts of winter. I find capturing the special things around me with my camera makes feel better, too!
This January, what cheers me? That it's been 75 degrees for the past three days. Ahhhhhh. Of course, when California burns to the ground due to the wildfires this summer because of a drought, you can remind me of this.
Lovely colors! One of these days I'll manage to do more quilt squares...
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