Carpe Jugulum as Mr Pratchett would say. After a rather poxy December I am filled with the ambition to get shifting once again. While I recognise that energy reserves are a bit low at the moment it is still a pleasant activity to sit, cup of tea in hand, and mull over the year ahead. I make no attempts at lofty goals but it is good to have a target and these are mine right now.
I may well fall short but here's to the attempt at least.
OutsideSort out the wretched heap that I call a garden. This involves some tasks that are small in number but massive in effect...
- Hire out a man with a van to clear the debris of last summer (including a large piece of corrugated metal that was blown in with the storms we had in August)
- Hire another bloke who can handle a chainsaw to get rid of a few overgrown conifers.
- Plant two thornless blackberries, two blackcurrant bushes and some potato plants to break the ground up a bit.
If I can do all that by Autumn I will be mightily pleased with myself
Indoors- De-clutter for half an hour at least once a week
- Establish rather better household care routines than I have in effect right now. Fly Lady will point me in the right direction.
- Re do Rose's room. We had a brain storming session the other night and have come up with some wonderfully funky ideas. Fairy lights feature strongly as well as fun fur covered bookshelves, sequinned curtains and walls the colours of liquorice allsorts. She's my girl for certain.
I aim to get this established/ accomplished by springtime.
Creatively- Get back into water colour painting. I used to love to paint miniatures as a teenager. I wouldn't mind giving it another go
- Re learn the recorder. V bought me a new and beautiful pear wood medieval recorder for Christmas. I fell in love with it at the traders fair in Autumn but couldn't countenance the expense. He ordered one for me shortly afterwards. How fab is that?
- With regards to spinning and felting I intend to work mostly from my stash this year but I am not restricting myself as to yarn. However, I will stop the impulse purchases of beautiful yarn just for the joy of beautiful yarn. From now on all yarn must be bought for a pre-determined project.
This is the whole year laid out
Personally- Make time to do Pilates - I want my waist back! (by May at latest)
- Follow the Soul Coaching book with Kim. (28 days from whenever the book gets delivered)
- Dabble in archery a bit more. It is fun. (As and when throughout the year - next training day 11th of Jan)
- Investigate reiki courses in this area. It sounds very interesting. (Also as and when the time is right)
So that is where I am at right now. How about you? Have you got anything you would like to accomplish before the year rolls round again?