I have gone deaf. Deaf I tell you! And it is bloody unamusing. My children are fed up of yelling at me and I feel exactly like the terminally daft and grumpy bat that is all deaf old women. The house is still in something of a mess and I have not finished the shopping let alone started wrapping. But lets be British shall we?

But the impulse is there...

this is a jinx post, I wrote something similar not long ago - weird :) I subscribe to the second motto, sadly!
Rang to see if you need anything. You are not having a good month! Is she ok? Let us know if we can help ok
I'm hopeful Eden is all right. I aspire to the first but subscribe to the second.
Sian- I hope everything is okay.
I'm more likely to panic and freak out after the event.
Oh no! I hope the little one is ok... and that you are, too... please keep us posted?
(( hugs ))
Hope your daughter is better!
Thinking of you and your family...
best, Nan
I hope Eden is ok and your hearing soon returns! Take care all of you and have a lovely Christmas :)
Lots of love
Kim x
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