with the Freemen of Gwent. You might remember that we met them last week and liked the sound of it all. They were kind enough to invite us to their last event of the season and kitted us out so we could join in.
You can see it in his face can't you? He's just not sure about that hat. Still it kept him safe. I think he was hit by an axe at one point. Apparently it was a laugh.
We stayed over Saturday night and though it got a bit nippy under canvas at 3am, the children slept better than they ever do in the house.
We stayed over Saturday night and though it got a bit nippy under canvas at 3am, the children slept better than they ever do in the house.

Perhaps it was good just getting to know folks, like minded loonies with a pechant for dressing up and make believe. V gets to turn into a Welsh rebel, I get to spin and felt and cook a bit more and the kids get to run wild in a safe place. I can't wait for the next one!
We spent many, many weekends at re-enactments during MasterM's Viking phase. Not dressed up as Vikings, I hasten to add, but having loads of fun.
To Sir Berk you get all the fun? don,t think you would have lived that life for 365 days a year.i can see you enjoyed the weekend. now all of you go and get a cold bath in a nearby river.Enjoy.also see you all wearing your normal clothing.I can see THE Mr dressed like Sir V.
You guys look awesome! Glad you had a great time :o)
That sounded like it was so much fun. I could so get into that. As long as I could go home to my real life after a couple of days. Hot water and all, you know.
That sounds like a blast! And you all look strangely at home - maybe it's a past life thing - LOL!
Sian- Is that similar to "It's a Knockout"? Looks like a hoot at any rate.
Have you ever looked up the definition of "berk"?
Looks like great fun! I think the fellowship in a place like that is hugely important. We as humans need more of that than we get, usually.
I want your life. Are you sure you don't want to trade, just for a week? :-)
Hello Alice, nice to see you here. The Viking re enactors look pretty amazing too. Alarming, but cool if you know what I mean
POD: I don't think Daisy would need plate armour. Goodness me can you imagine?!
Thanks Jessica! We really enjoyed the weekend.
Patois: Yes, it was nice to get home to a hot bath and I don't think I'd fancy living like that. The children might give a different answer however. Wouldn't your youngest fit right in in a melee? :o)
Deborah: Yes, it did seem to fit rather :o)
Lorraine: Not really "It's a Knockout" (which was hilarious) These guys are re-enactors so they are also amateur history buffs. It really is very interesting, you learn a lot.
And speaking of learning, no I haven't looked up "berk" - is it terribly rude? *giggles*
Nicole: Yes, there was a great sense of friendship and camraderie there and what was best of all is that V and I were so included in it all. It was wonderful.
TD: Ahh my dear, I would love to have you and Vegas over for a visit. BTW I think your Vegas would probably look pretty spiffing in a suit of armour, don't you? :-D
Sian- The Oxford Dictionary says it's cockney rhyming slang-
Berkshire Hunt =----!
It is VERY rude!
My gosh Lorraine, I never knew! And I use that word a lot :-0
I shall change it right now :o)
The twins aren't babies anymore! What a shock!
It looks like wonderful fun! I'm glad you shared it with us :o)
Look at you lot! You were born in the wrong era my lovlies! I cannot believe you stayed out all night! Dirty stop outs! Anyway have fun and enjoy. Alas tho me and the MR like 5 star luxury and have an aversion to tents! Thanks POD for the thought tho, keep it just that
Vegas used to participate in those costumed fighting camps (mostly for nerds at the time...), all dressed up carrying swords, chain armour and getting drunk around campfires for days.
I think he secretely misses it :-D
Daily Manna from the Net for Thursday, October 2, 2008
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, who has saved us and called us to a holy life--not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time. 2 Timothy 1:6-9 NIV
Gads, that looks like a FABULOUS time!!!! I can see why y'all would enjoy it so much!!!
Hope you're doing well!
Oh my goodness you all look fabulous!what a wonderful thing to go to!now wonder you all had such fun :o)
ps I rather like the hat!
That sounds like such a wonderful weekend Sian. I would have loved it too :)
Kim x
WOW, that sounds like a really fab 2 days you had. Bet the kids loved the freedom. Very cool!!! :)
Codpiece, my Lord?
Weeeeell, I think we'll go for the Black Russian!!
Oooh - I want to dress up too! Looks like great fun and almost near enough we could go and see it sometime.
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